About Me

My Top Educational and Development Tips

Hello! My name is Sammy. I live on the Gold Coast with my wife and kids. For many years, I wasn't very happy. I was working in a job which gave me very little pleasure. This was because it was an entry-level job at a fast-food joint. I knew I needed to make a change, but I had no idea what that change was until I got talking to my brother-in-law. He suggested that I sign up at a local adult education college so I could improve my education and develop new skills. I did just that and now I am the manager of a restaurant. I hope you like this blog and that it inspires you to develop your skills.



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My Top Educational and Development Tips

How to Find a Childcare Centre That Lets You Stay Connected

by Avery Fowler

Enrolling at a childcare centre can be a scary experience for a child who's used to being at home with mum or dad. But young children aren't the only ones who feel uneasy when they're apart from loved ones. As the parent, you'll likely find yourself feeling just as nervous as they are, always wondering what they're doing and how they're getting on. One of the best ways to combat this is to find a childcare centre that lets you stay connected with your little one's day as much as possible. Here are 3 things to look for if you want to form that connection.

A Parent Messaging App

These days, many childcare centres are catching on to the modern wonder of daycare apps. These parent messaging apps let childcare providers quickly and easily generate daily reports for each child they look after. They can upload pictures and videos, let parents know about milestones and achievements, share observations of learning, give sleep and health reports and more. All parents have to do is download the partner app to monitor their child's day and keep up to date with how they're progressing.

Assessment Portfolios

If your childcare centre follows an early learning program, ask if they produce portfolios for each child. In the early years, assessment portfolios usually consisted of a collection of a child's work (such as drawings and writing practice) over a period of time along with commentary from the program leader about what each piece of work shows about your child's progress. This helps you feel like you're part of your child's achievements even when you're not there and allows you to follow up on their learning at home to give them an even more well-rounded understanding.

In-Class Volunteering Options

Another great way to stay connected with your child is to get hands-on when you have the chance. Watch for childcare centres that offer opportunities for parents to come into class and volunteer. These opportunities come in many forms. Sometimes, parents may be asked to help chaperone a trip. Other times, parents may come in and help with busy activities, or even give a talk to the class about their job or life. If your child's childcare centre tries to get parents in class at every available opportunity, you're sure to find one or two dates that suit your schedule.

Home Volunteering Options

The best childcare centres recognise that sometimes parents want to participate in their child's activities but simply don't have time to come into class. These centres give parents a way to contribute without ever leaving their home or office. Such volunteering options include preparing food for parties, bringing in old materials like egg cartons and fabric for craft sessions, and more. If you have a job with an inflexible schedule, this type of connection with your child's care could be the right one of you.

If you want to stay more connected throughout your child's care experience, take these ideas into consideration when enlisting your child into a child care centre.
